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Running in the Dark
this song, written and played by Annadale Fayde, first appeared on the compilation Emotional Hostages.

Running the Belt
see Lando's Folly

Running the Blockade: Escape from Yavin
this was one of the many historical holovids that were produced during the era of the New Republic, chronicling the exploits of the heroes of the Galactic Civil War. This particular holovid told the story of Han Solo's daring during the months that followed the Battle of Yavin, as the Alliance sought to escape from their base on Yavin 4 and relocate to Hoth.

Rusty Bucket, The
this bar was located in the city of Takari, on Iyuta, but it burned down shortly after the Battle of Yavin.

this was another name for the Twi'leki language.

Salutation to the Force
this was a meditative exercise practiced by the Jedi Knights, allowing them to achieve a greater communion with the Force. It was a combination of postures that started with the body arched upward, followed by a deep squat that led to a leg-extended stretch to the rear.

Sand Bar, The
this was the only local tavern in the outpost location known as The Puddle.

Sand Panther
a large, predatory feline native to Corellia, the sand panther had specialized claws that could exude a poison when they cut into flesh. The fur of the sand panther, which was dense yet soft, was prized by hunters, even though it was illegal to kill the creatures. This fur helped mask the sand panther's stalking activities, as it muffled wind and yielded to surrounding obstacles.

Sandro the Hook
this acquaintance of Captain Bortrek worked from a base in Celanon City. Bortrek hoped to sell his load of precious cargo, along with the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO, to Sandro.

one of the ruling houses on Lianna, they controlled the various companies managed by Santhe/Seinar Technologies. The Lady Valles Santhe was a supporter of the Empire, for she felt that the Old Republic never gave her any favors or support.

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