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Power Mound of the Elders
according to legend, this was the site where the leaders of the planet Skako met to decide on how to lead their people.

Power, The
this was an ancient term for the Force.

Preceptor, The
this was the title of the leader of the Church of Infinite Perception.

Precursors, The
this was another name for the ancient Kathol race, used during the early period of the Old Republic.

Pride of the Rim
this starship was owned by the Corellian resistance, and was rescued by the crew of the Retribution.

Pride of the Senate
this Dreadnaught served as part of the command fleet used by Admiral Greelanx during the Battle of Nar Shaddaa. It was commanded by Soontir Fel, who held the rank of Captain at the time.

Pride of Thela
this rescue and recovery ship was operated by Dacholder and Uldir Lochett during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. When Dacholder tried to turn Uldir over to the Yuuzhan Vong, after learning that Uldir had attended the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4, Uldir forced Dacholder out an airlock and escaped aboard the ship.

Priests of the Sun
this was the name of the religious order that developed among the Sedrian people, and revolved around the worship of the Golden Sun organism. Each priest wore an ornate pin that indicated their position within the order.

Prime, The
see Prime Unu

Program, The
this was the term used by Melen Toobo to describe his plans to lobotomize Coruscani Ogres, in an effort to create a cheap pool of "organic droids" to serve as his docile workforce. The first ogres put through The Program were utter failures, emerging from surgery even more savage than before. The success of the individual known as Friendly emboldened Toobo to begin full-scale conversion, although Friendly turned out to be a fluke. Subsequent conversions resulted in ogres that were uncontrollable, and had to be turned off in order to prevent widespread damage. When the Empire discovered The Program, it tried to use the lobotomized ogres as a form of soldier, dispatched to rebellious worlds to wreak havoc on the population. Then, a squadron of stromtroopers would arrive and eliminate the ogres, winning the support of the frightened population.

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