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Over the Rile
this was a section of Bridis City, on Bridin Anchorage.

Overlook, The
this was another name for the mountain Teldanus, located on the planet Goroth Prime.

Padawan, The
see Dyshkava, Byrch

Paddocks, The
this was one of the largest open-air markets found in Mos Eisley, on the planet Tatooine. It was established for the auction and sale of various forms of livestock, although it evolved into an informal zoo over the years. During the height of the New Order, the Paddocks was owned and operated by Cruegar, a Gungan who knew his clientele and their needs.

Paddox, Theus
this man was the High Lord of House Pelagia during the height of the New Order. He was very young when Pelagia fell from power, but married into House Cadriaan in an effort to regain its position. His marriage to the daughter of Lady Bathos, along with financial investments with House Cadriaan, helped Paddox begin rebuilding House Pelagia's status. It was later discovered, by the crew of the Bright Seeker shortly after the Battle of Hoth, that Theus's younger brother and sister, Trad and Verinia, were secreted away aboard the Regal Destiny during the Mecetti Purge.

Palace of the Woolamander
this was one of the ancient, elaborate structures found in the jungles of Yavin Four. Its construction was attributed to the ancient Massassi, although its exact origins were lost in history. In the years following the death of Emperor Palpatine, the Alliance Senate used it as a meeting place. It was named by the Alliance engineers who discovered, although not because there was any indication it was used to worship the woolamander. Instead, when they found it, a pack of woolamanders was found nesting in the ruins. After the Senate agreed to allow Jedi Master Luke Skywalker to establish a training facility on Yavin 4, the Palace of the Woolamander was discovered to be the resting place of the Golden Globe.

Paladin, The
this mysterious figure was the leader of the Army of Life.

Parella the Hunter
see Parella Jiramma Baco

Park Line, The
this was the primary passenger conveyor tube located in the city of Efavan, on the planet Vorzyd 5. It connected the Lake Joko Preserve and the Lost Coaster Amusement park to the casino district of Westrex.

Path of the Hunt
this was one of the many religions that were worshipped by the Rodian people.

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