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Needles, The
a section of the Jundland Wastes on Tatooine, The Needles were the traditional camping grounds of the Tusken Raiders. They were distinguished by the thin, needle-like rock formations which sprang up from the desert sands.

this was a childrens' game in which two players tried to keep an object - usually a ball - from a third player, who stood in between them.

Negotiator, The
this was a term used during the height of the Clone Wars to describe Obi-Wan Kenobi, in reference to the way in which he used measured tactics in order to champion the goals of the Old Republic.

a form of imitation leather that is much stronger than real leather. It was often used for flight jackets.

Nest, The
this was the name given to the command center of the space station known as The Rig, during the height of the Clone Wars.

this is the name used by the Shashay to indicate the rulers of their planet, Crytal Nest. The Nestmothers make all of the decisions which affect the Shashay society.

Nether Ice
this was the name used by Socorran native to describe the ice they "mined" from the planet Neftali. Because of the mineral concentration within the frozen water, nether ice remained in a frozen state for many months in even the warmest conditions, and was used by Socorran pilots to cool their starship engine drives. Small pieces of nether ice have also been carved into jewelry.

Nethermost Abyss
the Askajian name for the deepest regions of evil in the earth.

Nett, Theron
this smuggler, a native of Ord Mantell, joined the Alliance shortly before the Battle of Yavin. He became one the Alliance's best X-Wing pilots, serving as Garven Dreis' wingman. Nett flew as Red Ten during the Battle of Yavin, and perishing trying to protect Dreis during their assault on the first Death Star.

Neverending Valor: The Unauthorized Guide to the Galaxy's Newest Heroes
this datatext, produced by Veritas Press during the last decades of the Old Republic, presented a series of falsified exploits that were supposedly accomplished by a group of heroes. When the book was read by the heroes, not to mention their opponents, it raised quite a stink. Old enemies took exception to their inept portrayal, and the heroes were furious that they were not consulted during the book's writing. Eventually, both the heroes and their enemies teamed up to destroy Veritas Press.

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