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Murthe', Leonis
this depraved Imperial scientist was known to have been one of the staunchest supporters of Emperor Palpatine's High Human Culture. To this end, Doctor Murthe' and his partner, Admiral Mir Tork, spent much of their careers subjugating and destroying entire alien civlizations. Doctor Murthe' set up a collection of holding pens and laboratories aboard the Azgoghk, where he perfected his techniques and torturing and killing. Murthe' later retired to Malicar 3 in the wake of the Battle of Endor, shortly after working with Admiral Tork to destroy the Gulmarid civilization. On Malicar 3, he spent much of his time torturing and killing aliens for the pleasure of it, no longer concerned with any scientific pursuits. Murthe' was later hunted down and killed by Boba Fett, who had been hired by Slique Brighteyes to avenge the Gulmarids.

Museum of the Absolutes
located in the city of New Apsolon, on the planet of the same name, this museum was built in the former headquarters building of the Absolutes. It was established as a grim reminder of the atrocities of the Absolutes under the Civilized Authority, and presented information and artifacts from the civil war between the Workers and the Civilized. It was later revealed that Eritha and Alani had arranged for an underground tunnel to be excavated, connecting the Governor's palace to the Museum. They used it to reach the Museum, where they regularly met with the Absolutes who had been in hiding, planning for the time when Alani would be elected Governor and return power to the Absolutes. The Absolutes had gone so far as to make the displays in the Museum active, in case of a breach in their security.

Museum of the Galactic Republic
this Old Republic monument was established on the planet Centares by the Senate of the Old Republic. The Museum was shut down by Emperor Palpatine.

Museum of the Republic
established on Coruscant, this New Republic edifice contained numerous displays depicting the events of the Galactic Civil War and the years following the Battle of Endor. It contained a room dedicated to the Battle of Yavin, which had a cut-away model of the first Death Star and a listing of the battle station's full complement of personnel. The display was designed to highlight the destructiveness of war, regardless of the outcome.

Mutiny, The
this was another term used by Imperial officiers to describe the Galactic Civil War.

this was the name of a noted Vuvrian individual.

Naddist Revolt, The
this was another name for the Freedon Nadd Uprisings.

Nadia, Zanthe
a native of Pelagon, this woman was the leader of the Pelagia Freedom Force during the Galactic Civil War. She was on Pelagon when it as subjugated by the Empire, and dedicated the rest of her life to bringing the Empire down.

Name, The
this was a religious reference used by the natives of the planet Renatasia III.

this was the name given to the Yuuzhan Vong male who attended the birth of a child and determined its name within the family's Domain.

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