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Horn, The
this was the nickname used by one of the most fearsome Advozse assassins, who was active during the last years of the Old Republic.

Hound the Hawk-Bat
this was a spirited children's game, popular during the height of the New Order.

House of the Higher Power
this building, located in the spaceport town of Tun Aduban on the planet Aduba-3, was the center of the Sacred Way religion. It was the base of operations for the Verpine known as Pera.

Hova Mensk and the Blurtones
this was a noted Inner Rim band, whose origins coincided with the advent of the New Order. They were considered to be innovative, but many critics deemed them experimental jizz musicians who mimicked the music of the Sozzenels.

How Do They See Anyway (Stormtrooper's Dilemma)
this song, written and played by the band Deeply Religious, was banned by the Imperial Board of Culture. It first appeared on the compilation Advanced Explosives Handbook.

How to Do the Allied Tion on 25 Credits a Day
this travel guide documents the highlights and lowlights of the Allied Tion cluster.

Hub, The
this was the name given to the wheel-shape network of tubes and struts that held the High Port station, found in orbit around the planet Muunilinst, together.

Hub, The
this was the name given to the central section of Zirtran's Anchor. It was formed from the prototype station KV-29233-44B, and was bisected by the Spine Passage.

Hundred Club, The
this is a list of all the bounty hunters who command 100,000 or more credits for the bounties they capture, and are still alive to tell about it. The list contains as many as a million members.

Hundredfold Scepter, The
this Old Republic dueling academy was one of a handful which could trace its history back to pre-Republic dates, during the era of Xim the Despot. The Hundredfold Scepter, like virtually every other dueling academy, was forced to shut down its operations during the last decades of the Old Republic, when popular opinion regarding dueling academies plummeted with that of the Jedi Order.

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