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Grand Theater of Vreni Island
this impressive theater was located on Vreni Island, on the planet Corellia.

Grandfather Clock
this was the nicknme used by the Hutts to describe the Novolek Beacon, because of its regular pattern of flares.

Grandfather's Shoulder
this was one of the most prominent volcanoes found on the Korunnal Highlands of the planet Haruun Kal. At any one time, a dozen or more open caulderae were spewing lava and ash, as well as toxic gases into the atmosphere.

Grandis Mon Theater
this noted theater was located in Imperial City on Coruscant.

Grandmother's Tears
this was the name used by the Korunnai to describe the river of snowmelt that flowed from the upper reached of Grandfather's Shoulder. It eventually flowed into the Great Downrush.

Grass Hutt, The
this was one of the ritziest flangth-houses on the planet Ord Mantell, during the height of the New Order.

Great Cleansing, The
the name given to the planetary war that raged between the various factions of Fyodoi. The groups of Fyodoi had become technological rivals, but the technology gave way to war. The Great Cleansing resulted in the devastation of most of the surface of the planet Fyodos, and many Fyodoi were killed. The cities and populations of Kaled and Othlos were completely wiped out, and Tharak suffered 90% casualties and severe damaged. The survivors of the Great Cleansing chose to shun cities and the technology they represented, and reverted to a primitive existence.

Great Conquest, The
this era of history on the planet Garban was marked by the intense efforts of Jenet, such as Chirr't Ferr and Rhet H'rrr, to wipe out the marauding danchaf which controlled the planet.

Great Council of Deneba, The
a Jedi Assembly of all the current Jedi Masters on Deneba, where they met to discuss and plan against the growing wave of Dark Side Energy which was led by Exar Kun and prevalent about 4000 PE.

Great Dance, The
a term used by the dancers of the galaxy, The Great Dance meant the afterlife.

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