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Army of the Republic
see Grand Army of the Republic

Arrogant One, The
see Arrogantus, Serji-X

Art of the Small
this technique of utilizing the power of the Force was discovered and refined by the Fosh Jedi Knight, Vergere, during her five decades of imprisonment with the Yuuzhan Vong. Vergere's personal study and introspection transcended the traditional definitions of a light side and a dark side to the Force. Instead, she found a wild form of the Force and a more controlled form. This definition, which simply stated the the Force exists and can be controlled, led her to the discovery of the Art of the Small. Using this technique, Vergere could make herself "small", in such a way that she was barely recognizable within the Force. This allowed her to fool her Yuuzhan Vong captors into believing that she was not, in fact, a Jedi Knight. It also allowed her to manipulate individual molecules within her body to affect tiny chemical changes. Thus, Vergere could alter her own tears to become healing fluids or poisons.

Articles of the Hawk-bats
this ficticious set of by-laws supposedly governed the actions of the Hawk-bat Independent Space Force.

Assembly Hall of the Commonality
located adjacent to the Sphere of Commonality, this was the primary governmentaly building found in the city of Efavan, on the planet Vorzyd 5. It was located in the high Town district, and was the primary facilities used by the representatives of the Commonality on Vorzyd 5.

Asteroid Theater
the location of Bithabus the Mystifier's stage on Hologram Fun World.

Athega System
this remote star system was devoid of planets capable of sustaining life, but worlds such as Nkllon proved to be invaluable sources of metals.

this was a name which was common among members of the Lutrillian race.

a manufacturing world known for its assembled computer components.

Atom, The
see Force Multiple Orbit

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