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the Imperial governor Grandon Holleck retired to this world.

Ganther Dance
this social event was held annually on the planet Gandle Ott.

Garden, The
this was the term used by most Garqians to describe the Pesktda Xenobotanical Garden.

Gardener, The
this was a name used by many Ithorians to denote Momaw Nadon.

Gardulla the Younger
this Hutt was part of the group which formed the leadership of Nal Hutta during the early stages of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Although Gardulla the Younger didn't wholly agree with Borga's plans to form an alliance, he realized that the plan was not without merit, and suggested selling information on the Vong's invasion plans to the New Republic.

this was a brewtap located in the city of Cartann, on the planet Adumar. Wedge Antilles and Red Flight visited the bar during their diplomatic stay on the planet.

Gate to the Lands of the Dead, The
according to Yuuzhan Vong mythology, this was the portal through which the living passed when they died. All those who died were sent to the Lands of the Dead, where they were judged by the True Gods. Only those deemed worthy were allowed to remain with the Gods. Those who were deemed unworthy were doomed to roam the Lands of the Dead, never to return to the living nor feel the grace of the Gods. Shortly after the Yuuzhan Vong reformed the planet Coruscant into a new version of Yuuzhan'tar, the Yuuzhan Vong mythology was updated to include a Guardian of the Gate, known as the Ganner or the Jedi Giant, in reference to Ganner Rhysode's stand against the Yuuzhan Vong while protecting Jacen Solo.

Gateway to the Outer Rim
see Phindar Spaceport

Gatherer 164
this was the codename of the Ryn known as Ferfer, who was a member of the Ryn spy network based on the planet Balmorra during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.

this is a nickname used by operatives of the Bureau of Ships and Services. They are a non-descript group, wearing no uniform to identify themselves as part of BoSS. The Gatherers are responsible for tracking down and apprehending individuals who falsify their starships' transponder codes.

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