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a planet whose natural resources have been depleted.

Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes
the Bith band that was playing in the Mos Eisley cantina when Ben Kenobi and Luke Skywalker booked passage on the Millennium Falcon, they were - at one time - Jabba the Hutt's full-time band. They are members, in good standing, of the Intergalactic Federation of Musicians, and had been entertaining audiences for more than twenty years. During the height of the Clone Wars, the band was part of Jasod Revoc's Galactic Revue.

Finder, The
this was the nickname of the Twi'lek known as Loh'khar.

Fire Breather
one of the biological constructs of the Yuuzhan Vong, this thirty-foot-tall creature resembled a huge, walking balloon. It moved about a six stubby legs, and its body was studded with hose-like tentacles. From each of these tentacles, the fire breather ejected a stream of thick fluid, which caught fire in the presence of oxygen and incinerated everything it touched. These creatures were protected by their thick hides, and their normal exhalations were filled with special chemicals that dispersed blaster fire. The Yuuzhan Vong first employed these creatures during the attack on Gyndine.

this was another name for the city of Roen, located on the planet Goroth Prime.

First Galactic Empire, The
see Galactic Empire, The

First to Swim, The
this was the term used to describe the ostensible leader of The School, the alliance of races that were native to the planet Iskalon. The name came from the Iskalonian truism that stated "Someone must ever be the first to swim." An Iskalonian held the position of First to Swim until their death, and usually tried to move his peoples in the general direction favored by other individuals.

the extinct, humanoid predecessors of the M'Shinni race, the Firstmothers evolved a symbiotic with certain plant species. The resulting organism closely resembled the M'shinni. Every M'shinni Rootline can trace its roots back to a Firstmother.

this was one of the many clans of the Nosaurian race, which was native to the planet New Plympto.

Five Brothers
a name given to the five inhabited planets in the Corellian System.

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