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Death of Captain Tarpals, The
this was a nickname given to Jar Jar Binks by the military of the Gungans, because every time Binks got into trouble it was Tarpals who had to bail him out.

Debbikin the Younger
this young man was the son of Debbikin, the director of research for the Five Families of Ord Cestus, during the height of the Clone Wars. When his father was unable to attend meetings, Debbikin the Younger would attend in his place. Based on feedback from his father's spies on Coruscant, Debbikin the Younger suggested that the Five Families pledge their loyaly to the Old Republic, in order to ensure their continued grasp on the manufacturing facilities on Ord Cestus. His goal was to have the Five Families become the Republic's most prominent supplier of high-tech droids, bringing them to galactic prominence. He also expressed concern over Caiza Quill's ability to maintain his position on the Five Families, since the X'Ting failed to eliminate G'Mai Duris from her position as Regent. He was among the Five Families members who were kidnapped by Nemonus.

Declaration of the Alliance of Free Planets
this document set down the basic tenets upon which Mon Mothma and the Provisional Council planned to lead the galaxy under the New Republic. It was surpassed just four weeks later by the Declaration of a New Republic.

Defender of the Core
see Anaxes

an Imperial freighter supplying Zaarin's beam weapon research platform.

Delta-6 Aethersprite
this was a starfighter developed during the years following the Battle of Naboo. This may simply be a typographical error in Jedi Quest: The School of Fear, referring instead to the Delta-7 Aethersprite. About ten years after the Battle of Geonosis, Kuat Drive Yards sold the entire Delta line to Sienar Fleet Systems, choosing to concentrate on capital ships instead of fighters. Where the Delta-7 was essentially a sort-bodied snubfighter, the Delta-6 was a long-nosed fighter, although it retained the arrowhead shape and rear cockpit location.
(JQ5, SQ, TCG8)

Dens, The
located in Qaestar Town, on the planet Talus, this residential area was set aside for the city's Selonian residents.

De'Ono, Luther
this rugged young man was in his mid-twenties when he was named part of the ExGal-4 team sent to Belkadan. He was part of the search group sent out to locate a huge storm which had been detected on their sensors. When Bendodi Ballow-Reese realized that the ecological damage to Belkadan - caused by Yomin Carr's dweebit beetles - was going to kill them before they could return, he turned over his oxygen packs and fled into the jungle. Luther thought he was crazy and tried to follow, by Bendodi shot Luther in the chest, then Bendodi shot himself.

Depot, The
this was Gilad Pellaeon's name for the area of space surrounding the planet Wayland, during the early years of the New Republic. The name was in reference to the fact that Imperial forces were massing near Wayland to acquire crews of clones, and the Chimaera was the primary ship on guard duty.

Destroyed Starship, The
this was one of the non-standard face cards that sometimes appeared in a sabacc deck, especially if the deck was used for telling a being's fortune. When it appeared during a fortune-telling, the Destroyed Starship indicated cataclysmic changes in the near future, often death and destruction. Many considered this one of the worst cards to draw.

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