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this Imperial Army Major served under Colonel Heget in Kathol Sector, during the last years of the New Order and into the era of the New Republic. Despite his service to the Empire, Danthe believed that the New Republic could actually work, although he was careful not to voice his support of the Republic to Heget. He worked to ensure that communication channels were opened to the crew of the FarStar, in an effort to bring Moff Kentor Sarne to justice.

Danthe Artifice, Limited
this corporation developed droid personality matrices, and was a major supplier of programming to Arakyd. Danthe was based on the planet Corulag, and was the sister corporation to Tapani Sector's Lanthe Artifice. Both corporations were originally based on the planet Lanthe, but fled Lanthe when the Imperial Moff began nationalizing its corporations.

Dark Killer, The
this was one of the many nicknames used to describe Kaox Krul.

Dark Lady of the Sith
see Lumiya

Dark Lords of the Sith
any of the most powerful students of the Sith teachings were candidates to become Dark Lords of the Sith, the equivalent of an all-powerful Jedi Master. The original Dark Lords descended from true Jedi Knights many millennia before the Great Sith War. They were cast out for their forays into the use of Dark Side magic, and exiled on the planet Korriban. There, they interbred with the native Sith race, growing stronger and more powerful as a result of the genetic combination. They expanded their realm into several nearby systems, and individual factions grew out of the isolation. The laws of the Sith dictate that only one Dark Lord can rule at any time. A ritual of ascension was performed, with the candidate being subjected to the bites of three deadly insectoids. If the candidate survived - through the use of intense Sith magic - they were declared the next Dark Lord of the Sith. They were forever marked by the bites, with a flaming sun scar on their forehead. Naga Sadow was one of the first Dark Lords to break away from the established ascension rituals, claiming himself Dark Lord after the death of Marka Ragnos without the consent of the other ruling Lords. Several centuries later, Freedon Nadd was unlucky enough to begin learning the Sith teaching under a young Dark Lord, and yearned to take the position from him. It is for this reason that Nadd went to Onderon. The ancient remains of the Dark Lords before Exar Kun were entombed on Korriban. Darth Vader is thought to have been the last of the Dark Lords.

Dark Melody, The
this cantina was located on level 35 of the cityscape that covered Nar Shaddaa. During the early years of the New Order, The Dark Melody was known as a steady source of tempest spice. The Dark Melody lived up to its name, being a dingy place were the air smelly oily and the patrons preferred to wear hoods over their heads to hide their identity. Many of the lesser tempest dealers obtained their spice from beings at the Dark Melody.

Dark One, The
this was the name used by the Kamarians to describe Han Solo, after he fled Kamar when he stopped showing the holovid, Varn, World of Water. This name was endorsed by the smuggler Sonniod, who began replaying the feature in order to make money off the ignorant Kamarians.

Dark Riders, The
this swoop gang was formed by Lieutenant Irlyn Resk on Stend VI, in response to the government's request for assistance in suppressing the violence of other swoop gangs. The Empire funded the recruiting of a team of Storm Commandos for the group. They traveled on modified Ikas-Adno XR-10 speederbikes, and patrolled the major urban areas in an effort to reduce swoop gang violence.

Dark Side of the Force
The Force, being an energy field, has opposing sides which normally balance each other. The Dark Side of the Force is the more seductive of the two, for its power and strength are easily obtained by the apprentice. However, the Dark Side is a cruel master, for in return for its ease of initiation, it continually drains its servants' life-energy. Among the highest achievements in the mastery of the Dark Side is the succession from student to master. While this is also true of the Light Side, the Dark Side requires that the student utterly destroy his master to prove his abilities.

Dark Side of the Planet, The
this was perhaps the most popular cantina found in Nuba City, on the planet Nubia. It was owned by Tul Bulba during the height of the New Order.

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