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Custom Stop, The
located in the city of Vakeyya on Socorro, this establishment was one of the most popular restaurants and casinos on the planet. The facade of the building and the front offices were maintained to give the casual observer the impression of a real customs office, but regular and invited guests knew that the real entrance was "just down the hall." It was owned and operated by Hhalyia Ahsane during the height of the Galactic Civil War.

Cutthroat Hunt, The
see Diff-Jikab

Cutting Edge, The
Doctor Evazan's business operation located in Mos Eisley, on Tatooine. He called it a "creative surgery" shop.

D.T. Spool and the Skroaches
this was a rebellious musical group, popular among the younger generation on Coruscant, during the last years of the Old Republic.

Dagger, The
developed by Mercevian Nagua - and often known as the Mercevian Nagua Manevuer - this pirate tactic involved the use of a saboteur to disable a target ship's hyperdrive at a specific time, bringing the ship out of hyperspace near a pirate fleet. It was a risky maneuver for the agent placed aboard the target ship, because being discovered often meant certain death. A variation of this maneuver had the saboteur actually seize control of the bridge and bring the ship out of hyperspace themself, delivering it to the pirate fleet.

Dakkar the Distant
an unpleasant Mos Eisley cantina owner who employed Shaara as a dancer.

Dalla the Black
see Solo, Dalla

Damutek of the Intendants
this Yuuzhan Vong damutek, created on Coruscant after it had been reformed into a version of the long-lost planet of Yuuzhan'tar, served as the base of operations for Yoog Skell and the Intendant caste.

Dance of the Seventy Violet Veils
this exotic dance was performed by Yarna d'al' Gargan at the wedding of Han Solo and Leia Organa. The performance earned Yarna a contract with a famous lingerie designer, modelling extravagant brassieres.

Dancing Pit, The
the dancers' prep room in Jabba's palace.

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