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Corridor, The
a smuggler's access to the surface of Belsavis, The Corridor consisted of an atmospherically-stable portion of Belsavis' southern hemishpere. Smuggling ships entered low-orbit through this hole, and then landed on the ice, away from the volcanic vents and rifts. A series of tunnels led from the 10-12 remote landing pads to various parts of the domed valleys. Nubblyk perfected the tunnnels during his tenure as town boss of Plawal.

this highly-reflective gas was mined for a number of reasons. Its presence in the atmosphere of a planet made the planet appear to sparkle and flash when viewed from space.

this was an alien race.

this rock, present in the crusts of planets which have corthel-laden atmospheres, is mined for a number of uses. Among its primary uses is in the manufacture of photo-receptors used as droid eyes.

Coruscant Weather Control Network
this was the system of weather control modules and monitoring stations that made up the weather production system on the city-world of Coruscant. Also known as the WeatherNet, it was responsible for ensuring that a regular progression of seasons was experienced on the planet. They could also alter the passage of seasons to adjust the planet's ecosystem, depending on the prevailing environmental conditions.

Cosmic Balance, The
a religion embraced by the Bakurans, the Cosmic Balance was believed to have been first formed on the planet Hemei IV. It was symbolized by a half-black, half-white ring. The core of the beliefs held by followers of the Cosmic Balance was that, for every good deed, there was an equal bad deed. The opposite was also true: for every bad deed, a good deed followed to balance it out. For this reason, most followers of the Cosmic Balance led very neutral lives, avoiding doing exceptionally good deeds for fear of a later bad thing happening. Followers of the Cosmis Balance believed that the Jedi Knights upset the universal balance through their use of The Force to ensure justice in the galaxy. The universe was ruled by the Cosmos, and there was a faith in a Cosmic Wheel which is always turning and re-establishing balance.

Cosmic Deck, The
this was a term used by independent spacers and players of sabacc to indicate the purest form of luck. Life was a series of cards dealt from the Cosmic Deck, and every once in a while you got a good one.

Cosmic Egg, The
this was a religious icon of the Kitonak race.

Cosmic Egg, The
this was a religious icon of the Nediji race.

Cosmic Wisdom, The
a mystical reference used by Wuher.

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