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Clubs, The
a cluster of bars and casinos located in Byrne City, on Demophon, the Clubs were heavily-guarded establishments that catered to the underworld of the planet. Run by Ace Lorle, they Clubs able to operate due to the lack of backbone in Jared Fronz.

this antigen was developed to fight Brainworm Rot Type A.

Code of the Claim
this is a method of settling a claim dispute between two independent scouts who register the same claim. If any other scouts come forward to claim the same planet - legally or by jumping a claim - before the credit has been paid and the claim established, then each scout must agree to a Mutual Claim Registration and split the reward. Although not the fairest solution, it is often the only solution when two parties claim the same planet.

Code of the Sith
this was the basic set of tenets adopted by the Sith, during the centuries leading up to the Great Sith War. In many respects, the Code of the Sith was similar to the Jedi Code, although historians were unsure as to which came first. The Code of the Sith went as follows: "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken." What many scholars among the Jedi Order found interesting was that the need for victory was not all-encompassing. Many Sith Lords of the era believed that victory at any cost was not a victory at all, since it often meant the loss of a Dark Jedi in the process. This would reduce their numbers, making it harder to combat the Jedi Knights. Thus, many Sith apprentices were taught leave a fight - or avoid it all together - in order to preserve their ranks.

Code of the Stars
this was an old-fashioned spacer's code of ethics which involved the use of floggings, spacings, and harsh discipline to keep a crew in line and prevent mutinies.

Code, The
this was the unspoken, unwritten pact made by the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic, under which a trooper was to remain steadfastly loyal to the Old Republic, no matter what the circumstances. To betray one's comrades to the enemy was considered a serious breech of the Code, and no trooper ever willingly betrayed the Code.

Codex, The
this unpublished book contained all the arcane lore and information collected by Brin Hesk'l, during the last decades of the Old Republic.

Coil, The
this ancient, S-shaped riverbed wound through the desert near Ben's Mesa, on Tatooine.

Cold, The
a reference to anything intolerable, used by Labria.

Collector, The
this was the codename of the elderly man who approached Jozzel Moffett about located the Yavin Vassilika, shortly before the Alliance established its base on Yavin 4. The Collector worked with Bria Tharen to track down the artifact, knowing that it contained the key to unlocking the ancient Massassi temples. They paid Jozzel with the money they made from selling the spice which was stolen from Ylesia and the Besadii Hutts,

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