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Class-A Thermal Detonator
this detonator has a blast-radius of about 20 meters.

Clat the Shamer
this empathic mutant assassin once worked for the Guild of Vindicators. He was given the assignment to destroy Darth Vader for belittling the Guild. He tracked Vader to Cheelit, where the Dark Lord was playing Firepath with Lady Dohl. Unfortunately for Clat, he was walking into a trap. Vader had manipulated him to Cheelit, and when Clat entered Dohl's Hive Palace to capture Vader, he ended up on the Firepath board. There, Vader let him see what had happened to him, then captured him like any other Firepath piece. Clat was then consumed in a pillar of flame.

Cleansing of the Nine Houses
this was one of the many military campaigns that was considered part of the era known as the Old Sith Wars, which occurred some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin.

Cleansing, The
this is another term used by the Yevetha to refer to the Great Purge.

Cliffside, The
this was one of two cantinas which were located in the outpost settlement of Elesa, on Ando Prime, during the early years of the New Order.

Cloak of the Sith
the region of space surrounding the Roon System, it was filled with dangerous meteors, asteroids, and planetoids.

Clog, The
this was the most densely-populated section of the city of Iritsa, on the planet Chazwa. Buildings in this area of the city were built with whatever materials were available, giving it a ramshackle appearance. However, the natives of The Clog were fiercely loyal to their homes, and despised the wealthier beings who lived in the area known as The Stones.

Clothes for Her
this clothing store was located on the Ithorian herdship Bazaar, and catered to the needs of females of all species. Owned by Leww, it was the companion store to Clothes for Him.

Clothes for Him
this clothing store was located on the Ithorian herdship Bazaar, and catered to the needs of males of all species. Owned by Leww, it was the companion store to Clothes for Her.

an Ithroian herdship, it was best known for its hospitals and glass manufacturing plants. The ship was voted as the primary reception site for New Republic representatives during the herd meet following the destruction of the Maw Installation. It boasted some of the best guest facilities, as well as one of the largest herdship shuttleports.

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