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ya Sethes
this muscular, gray-haired Adumari woman was the General in command of Yedagon's armed forces, during the civil war against the nation of Cartann.

Yard, The
this huge conglomeration of metal silos and other scraps served as the headquarters for Syndicate One, on the planet Valgauth. Created from the discarded hulks of other manufacgturing facilities, the Yard appears to be a recycled castle. Inside, the Yard contains all the workings of a weapons manufacturing plant. A huge docking bay allows new weapons to be transported out to the Syndicate's customers. The Yard is relatively undefended, relying on its thick armor plating the corrosive atmosphere of Valgauth to deter any attacks.

this planet, one of three worlds in the Yinchorri system to be inhabited by the Yinchorri, was covered with shallow seas.

Young, The
made up of the teenagers from the societies of the Melida and the Daan, The Young were considered a minor nuisance to their elders. However, The Young maintained no affiliation to either faction, instead remaining neutral despite their individual heritages. Many of them were orphaned when their parents and family were killed in one of the battles for control of Zehava. About a decade before the Battle of Naboo, The Young was formed by the disenchanted children who witnessed their parents fighting endlessly over a few square meters of ground, spending credits on military supplies while children went hungry and fell sick due to lack of medical supplies. The Young hated the way that their parents used the children as free labor in munitions factories. The Young recognized that the war was destroying viable farmland and continuing a hatred between the Melida and the Daan that was based on petty incidents in the distant past. They hated the fact that their parents revered the dead more than they cared for their own children, and stayed away from the Halls of Evidence at all times. Members of The Young rescued Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Melida, in an effort to stop the violence and prevent the Old Republic from being blackmailed into taking sides the civil war. However, The Young were no less militant that their parents, and were capable of causing great damage on their own. With the help of Obi-Wan, The Young were able to convince the Middle Generation to support their cause, and eventually defeated the elders of the Daan and Melida. Their leadership was quickly shattered, though, as Nield ignored the basic needs of his people and was overruled one several counts by Cerasi and Obi-Wan.

Zonnos the Great
this Hutt was one of the most esteemed leaders of the Anjiliac kajidic, during the centuries leading up to the Clone Wars.

Zonnos the Lesser
this was a name used by other Hutts to describe Zonnos Anjiliac Priare, the eldest offspring of Popara the Hutt. The name was a reference to Popara's own father, who was known as Zonnos the Great.

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