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Unit Theta
this branch of Scandium Team was known for its high success rate, as well as its high mortality rate. It was under the command of Dutra Zeneta.

Unity, The
this was an ancient term for the Force.

Universe, The
this was the common name of the Greater Mark of Illumination, signifying an individuals connection to the spiritual worlds surrounding them.

University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life, The
this document, compiled by Professor Tem Eliss, was written during the height of the New Order. Eliss attempted to document the various cultures that existed throughout the galaxy, describing their cultural and social motivations and histories. Eliss tried to remain neutral to the state of galactic politics, but the subjugation of alien races quickly became a recurring theme. Too many species had been suborned by Imperial might for him to downplay its effect on their culture. The Guide became known to Kem Tija and Bront Autin of COMPNOR, who attempted to capture Eliss and halt publication. Eliss fled from Sanbra, and reportedly joined the Alliance. The Guide was never officially published, but was later discovered on student computer networks. COMPNOR was powerless to stop its spread, and the Guide was known to be present on over 25,000 nodes on 5,000 worlds.

Unknown Regions, The
originally considered areas of Imperial occupation beyond the universe defined by the Old Republic, the Unknown Regions contain the vast majority of the known, though unexplored, galaxy. By the time of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, the Unknown Regions accounted for just fifteen percent of the galaxy, yet much of it remained unexplored by the New Republic. The primary reason for this was the fact that the Chiss controlled most of the border between the Unknown Regions and the rest of the galaxy. They severely limited traffic into the Unknown Regions, but they also mapped large portions of the Unknown Regions as part of an ambitious mission developed by Grand Admiral Thrawn. Decades of exploration revealed a wealth of unusual creatures and races, along with a wealth of information on the appearance of therogue planet Zonama Sekot.

Unquiet Spirit Arises from the Swamp, The
this was one of the most famous Rodian dramas, and had at least 14 acts of 27 or more scenes. It was written by Veerdo Veerone.

Unther, Michael
this man served as a Rear Admiral in the Imperial Navy for more than twenty years, and was a combat veteran who commanded the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Victory before his retirement. The son of wealthy parents, Michael was sent to the Academy as a way to settle him down. He used his father's position to get himself assigned aboard a Strike-class cruiser upon graduation. When he sacrificed his ship to save a larger vessel, he was promoted and given command of the Victory. When his father was arrested for suspected treason against the Empire, and later disappeared, Michael began to doubt the true nature of the New Order. His o\own renown in battle saved Michael from any further investigation. After retiring, Michael continued to preach the party line, hiding his inner doubts and concerns from public view. He became one of the premier instructors at naval training centers, such as the one located in the Duluur Sector. Unther had an in-depth knowledge of Imperial procedures for blockading and conquering a planet.

Uprisings, The
this was the name used to describe the first organized revolts against the leadership of the Five Families on the planet Ord Cestus, some twenty years before the Battle of Geonosis.

Valance the Hunter
see Valance, Beilert
(MC16, MC27, MC29, SWMW)

Valley of the Dark Lords
this valley, located on the planet Korriban, was the site of the tombs of the ancient Dark Lords of the Sith. The valley itself was located far from Dreshdae, and was continually covered by clouds. It was dominated by huge funereal temples and tombs, with an ornate altar at the far end. The Valley was more than 1,200 meters deep in some places, although it was little more than a slit in the ground, and much of the rock which made up its walls had been carved with magical Sith runes and glyphs to ward off unwanted spirits and intruders. In additon to these runes, a wide variety of sculptures and reliefs adorned the Valley walls, portraying the heroics of the Sith Lords buried there. It was believed that the structure and placement of the tombs was designed to concentrate and focus the power of the Dark Side of the Force, allowing the spirits of the ancient Sith Lords to remain closeby. During the years following the Mandalorian Wars, the Valley of the Dark Lords was looted by the locals and other treasure hunters, and many of the tombs were ransacked.

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