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this group of Oldtimers from the planet Nam Chorios followed the word of the prophet Theras, and strove to keep inbound and outbound traffic away from the planet. The exact reason for their actions was lost over several centuries, but the Therans continued to drive off larger ships, an action deemed by the Newcomers as an attempt to keep Nam Chorios isolated from the galaxy. A civil war of sorts between the Therans and the Newcomers raged for a number of years until the basis for the feud was revealed by Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa-Solo.

one of the original political prisoners left on the planet Nam Chorios by the Grissmaths, Theras was attuned to the Force. He was contacted by the Spook crystals, which had realized that the drochs used to kill the prisoners were growing in power. The Spooks feared that the drochs would leave Nam Chorios and inflict the galaxy, and used Theras as a sort of prophet. He brought word to the Oldtimers that the drochs could secret themselves on any ship leaving the planet, and that ships of large size could house enough drochs to consume the galaxy. Theras and his followers reworked the planetary defenses to fire on incoming and outgoing ships over a certain mass, in an effort to prevent the drochs from leaving.

this Arcona was educated at the Lerct Historical Institute, before serving as the acquisitions director for the Zuliria Museum of Antiquities, working in the ancient weaponry department. During his studies at Lerct, Ther-das became addicted to salt, and spent many years trying to overcome his addiction. After growing tired of the routine at the museum, Ther-das gathered some acquaintences to him and formed the Zulirian Swordmasters. Originally dedicated to the study of weaponry, Ther-das began pushing the group to use their collected weapons and skills as vigilantes.

Thergum Pits
located on the planet Essowyn, this was the primary mining operation founded by Messert Mines Corporation. They purchased the rights to the Pits from the Tresycht nation of Saurtons, and used Tresycht forces to subjugate the nearby Yiszte nation to avoid any contention over ownership of the land.

this small sack is used to keep foods warm or cold during transport. Essentially, they are insulated lunch bags.

this was an explosive material that detonated when warmed.

this ancient form of container was used to transport liquids while maintaining their temperature.

this was a vessel that coud carry a beverage or soup and maintain its temperature over a long period of time.

Thermal Bomb
this was a form of explosive developed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the height of the Clone Wars. Rather than exploding and spraying an area with shrapnel or other material, a thermal bomb detonated into a ball of incredible heat, burning everything within its blast radius into a charred husk.

Thermal cape
a poncho made from metallic foil and spider silk, it keeps the wearer's body heat inside. They are often called T-capes.

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