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The History of Hyperdrive
this was one of the many exhibit wings found in the Galactic Museum on Coruscant.

The Jedi Order
this was one of the many exhibit wings found in the Galactic Museum on Coruscant. During the height of the New Order, this wing was sealed off from the public at the request of Emperor Palpatine.

The Kruy Mulacks Show
this investigative newsfeed was hosted by Kruy Mulacks, and provided a sensationalized version of obscure events during the last decades of the Old Republic.

The Light Side of the Subelectronic Force
this was one of the many treatises written by Nasdra Magrody, in which he speculated that subelectronic devices could be implanted into the brain of a Force-sensitive individual. These devices would then allow the individual to "influence artificial intelligences of varying complexities at the individual synaptic level" - or, more simply, to control droids through the Force.

The Lost Twenty: Dooku's Rise
this unofficial account of Count Dooku's life, written by Professor H. Hrush, was one of the five most popular pieces of literature during the year leading up to the Clone Wars.

The New Crder: The Glories of the Next Thousand Generations
this was one of the many exhibit wings found in the Galactic Museum on Coruscant. It was originally known as the "Annals of the Republic" during the last centuries of the Old Republic, but was renamed when Emperor Palpatine instituted the New Order.

The New Order
this song, written and played by the band The Emperor's New Clothes, first appeared on the compilation Totally Patriotic.

The Pit
this place, located on the planet Aargonar, was the home of the planet's largest sarlacc.

The Prishellan Dawn
this was a privateer vessel active during the last years of the New Order.

The Radion
one of the starships Nok used to get the Tetsus clan off Rodia and escape the Chattza oppression following the death of Greedo's father.

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