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this was another name for Tchuukthai, the language spoken by the Wharl, which were also known as the Tchuukthai.

Telling of the Story
this Kitonak ritual is performed at the end of their day. A single story is created by the adult Kitonaks, with plot twists and stroylines designed to teach the younger Kitonaks the virtues of patience. The story itself is often told in chapters, with each Telling consuming one chapter.

Temple of the Ancients
this temple was located on the Unknown World of the Rakata race, and ws believed to have been erected by the earliest of Rakatan civilizations. Subsequent generations of Rakata sealed off the Temple and worshipped it as a place of reverence, and only those Rakata who knew the correct rituals could gain access to its interior.

Temple of the Beatific Razor
this violent sect of terrorists was formed among the Swokes Swokes during the early years of their membership in the Old Republic, when off-world corporations stripped Makem Te of its resources and left the planet a barren wasteland. The Congress of Caliphs had happily agreed to the offers made by these corporations, which caused a great deal of confusion among the Swokes Swokes population. Their low-tech existence was suddenly perforated by noisy machinery and uncaring aliens. Several splinter groups were formed at this time to disrupt the operations of the off-worlders, and the Temple of the Beatific Razor was perhaps the most fanatical of the lot. Led by the High Mystics, the Razor Penitents grew rapidly in strength and numbers, until they rivaled the Congress of Caliphs in power. The Caliphs requested military assistance from the Old Republic just prior to the onset of the Clone Wars, but the Republic later pulled out when the Beatific Razors eliminated their entire force. This forced the Caliphs to ally themselves with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the Separatist forces helped to quell the actions of the Beatific Razors for many years.

Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster
one of the ancient, elaborate structures found in the jungles of Yavin Four. It was nearly destroyed when Vice Admiral Pellaeon and his fleet of Imperial-class Star Destroyers attacked the temple, thinking it was the primary site of Luke Skywalker's Jedi academy. It houses a huge, crystalline object deep inside its main chamber. This crystal glows and throbs with apparent life, filling the chamber with an eerie blue light. The crystal is oily to the touch, and is charged with static electricity. There are reports that the crystal is filled with the spirits of the long-dead Massassi people, and that their faces can be seen inside the crystal. Luke and Brakiss met here during the Shadow Academy's attack on Yavin 4, but Luke was unable to sway Brakiss from the Dark Side.

Temple of the Circle
a beautiful building found in Imperial City on Coruscant, it was destroyed in the civil war which ripped the planet apart following the death of Thrawn.

Temple of the Infinite Spirit
this H'kig fortress was established on the planet J't'p'tan, shortly after the religious sect fled Rishi. Covering more than 2,000 hectares of land, the Temple compound was made up of a complex configuration of courtyards, gardens, archways, and dormitories surrounding the main temple itself. The Temple was the first building created by the H'kig after their arrival on J't'p'tan, and was a monolith of polished stone that symbolized the teachings of H'kig.

Temple of the Je'ulajists
using a corrupted form of the word "geologists," the Kentra created this temple from the wreckage of the Alpha Kentrum. It was erected as a reminder to follow the tenets of Sword, Plow, and Spirit set down by Michael Tandre.

Temple of the Lovers
this temple was erected by the Yuuzhan Vong on the planet Coruscant - which had been remade into a simulacrum of Yuuzhan'tar - in honor of the two gods known as the Lovers, Yun-Txiin and Yun-Q'aah.

Temple of the Modeler
this organic building was located on the planet Coruscant, after it was captured and worldshaped by the Yuuzhan Vong, and was used as a shrine by the Shapers to their god, Yun-Ne'Shel.
(DW, FH2)

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