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Slag Pit, The
a run-down drinking establishment in the Corellian sector of Nar Shaddaa's spaceport. It is one of the three most popular hangouts for Corellian spacers, and is a dismal, crowded bar.

Slams, The
this gang of criminals was founded by Roper Slam and Valadon on their homeworld of Mamendin, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. After successfully carrying out minor crimes on Mamendin, the Slams branched out and started doing jobs on other worlds in the Core, including the theft of the entire planetary treasury of Vuma. However, after trying to break into the secure vaults of the Commerce Guild, they were caught and sent to the Greylands Security Complex on Tentator. About two years before the Clone Wars broke out, the four-being gang managed to escape from Greylands. However, their starship remained impounded, and was later used by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi. The two Jedi Masters, along with their apprentices Anakin Skywalker and Ferus Olin, used the ship to impersonate the Slams, during a mission to capture Janna Zan Arbor on Romin.
(JQ8, JQ9)

created by the Gungans, this slimy chemical compound resembled grease, and was used by miners. The miners covered their bodies with Slather in order to slide through small openings in the rocks. It later found widespread use as a lubricant.

Slayer, The
this was one of the nicknames of the Yuuzhan Vong god Yun-Yammka.

Slayer, The
this was the Menahuun name given to Hugo Bartyn, the man who nearly drove the Menahuun to extinction some 500 years before the Clone Wars.

Sleepy Grin, The
this was the term used by Palleus Chuff to describe one of the many facial expressions used by Jedi Master Yoda. Chuff was a noted actor whose portrayal of Yoda in Jedi! made him famous across the galaxy.

Slice, The
this was the name given to the wedge-shaped section of the galaxy which had its point in the Core Worlds and expanding outward. The Slice was originally defined in the Corellian Treaty, an ancient pact that created The Slice. The edges of The Slice were defined by the Corellian Trade Spine and the Perlemian Trade Route, and it extended into the Mid Rim and Beyond. The establishment of The Slice defined the boundaries of the Old Republic at the time.

this instrument was considered part of the repertoire of a jizz band, during the last years of the New Order.

Slithering Destroyer
this was one of the names used by the New Republic to describe Tu-Scart, the Beater created by the Yuuzhan Vong to destroy structures that are in the path of the Yuuzhan Vong army. Note that the Balance Point claims that Tu-Scart is the Biter.

a fruit used to make wrinkle cream.

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