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this was the name used by the human inhabitants of the planet Adumar. The descendants of a group of people who rebelled against the Old Republic and were defeated some 10,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, the Adumari continued to be a rebellious society even after they settled the planet. Their records indicated that there had been at least two huge wars which reduced the people to barbarism, but their tenacious nature had brought them back each time. They had a complex social structure which was based on personal honor and triumph over one's enemies. Any Adumari could challenge another Adumari in armed combat, which was usually fought to the death unless the victor chose to lessen the prestige of his victory. Combat was the primary sport in Adumari society, with contests in ground-based combat and aerial dogfighting. The techniques developed by the Adumari were crude by modern galactic standards, since there were very few battles that involved more than two participants, and each was usually fighting for prestige rather than learning from past mistakes. As a people, though, the Adumari were known as hard-working, industrious people who developed sophisticated manufacturing facilities. What was considered unusual was that, despite their obsession with fightercraft, the Adumari never re-developed any form of space travel, a circumstance attributed to their unique society. When the Adumari were contacted by the New Republic and urged to form a world government, the perator of Cartann, Pekaelic ke Teldan, was approached first, since Cartann seemed to be the strongest of the existing city-states. However, the perator took it upon himself to ingratiate himself with the diplomats, in an effort to beat his rivals to the punch and become the planetary ruler. However, this Cartann-based government was met with opposition from several other nations, including the Yedagonian Confederacy and Halbegardia. In the end, it was discovered that the New Republic diplomat to Adumar, Tomer Darpen, was leading the Cartann leadership down a path he had chosen, rather than forming a democratic planetary government. The perator of Cartann opted to retire rather than be executed, and abdicated the throne to his son. A more representative world government was formed, and the Adumari elected to join the New Republic.
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