Adegan Crystals
similar in many respects to Ilum crystals, these minerals emitted powerful bursts of light when induced by resonant frequencies. This trait made them the most common crystals used to construct lightsabers by the ancient Jedi Knights. The most common Adegan crystal was kathracite, but it was also the least powerful of the Adegan varieties and tended to explode under stress. This meant that it was only used in low-power training lightsabers. Interestingly, as the crystal forms became less common, they also became more powerful. After kathracite, there were relacite, danite, mephite, and pontite crystal forms, each more powerful than the previous. Unlike Ilum crystals, which produced only blue and green lightsaber blades, Adegan crystals created a wide range of blade colors, including purple, gold, and pearlescent. Synthetic versions of the various Adegan crystals were eventually produced, but were less powerful than their natural counterparts.