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an alien race native to the planet Adari, the Adarians are humanoids with unusual cranial structures. Their skulls are elongated and tall, and have a large hole which goes completely through it. They have no ears or noses, and their mouth is ringed with sharp, bony ridges instead of lips. The Adarians make up for the lack of ears with a covering of fine hairs along their skulls that pick up the vibration of sound waves. A series of glands near the skin's surface allows them to smell. Their throats can be distended and filled with air, and the resulting "long call" can be useful as a communication method or a kind of defensive action. The Adarians have a rigid caste system which dominates their society, and they have evolved an advanced technology based on the use of super-cooled carbon-ice computers. They were able to remain neutral during the Galactic Civil War by signing a non-agression treaty with the Empire, providing the Empire with unlimited raw materials in return for their neutrality.
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