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Felth, Davin

a member of the Desert Sands stormtrooper unit sweeping Mos Eisley in search of R2-D2 and C-3PO. He was trained at the Imperial facility of Carida, and was among the top recruits in his class. Thus, he was chosen to be one of the first troopers to be assigned to the new AT-AT project, under General Veers. While on a training mission, Davin discovered that the AT-AT was extremely vulnerable due to its long legs. He commanded his walker to "kneel" on all four legs, and was able to defeat all training targets. He reported to Veers that it was possible to "trip" the walker using a cable entwined around its legs, but Veers hid the information in order to advance his own career. When additional stormtroopers were needed to sweep Tatooine in search of the droids, Davin was quickly moved off the AT-AT project and into stromtrooper armor. There, he was assigned to Captain Terrik. (It was Davin who said, "Look, sir. Droids." after the discovery of the droids' escape pod.) However, Davin became increasingly disillusioned with the Empire's regime, having witnessed first-hand the needless destruction of Jawas and Sand People, as well as the wanton execution of the Lars family. The unnecessary execution of Het Nkik pushed Davin over the edge, and when his squadron was ordered to keep the Millennium Falcon from leaving Mos Eisley, Davin shot Terrik in the back, and pretended that he was killed in the crossfire. From then on, he resolved to remain a stormtrooper in order to feed the Alliance key information about the Empire. It is assumed that one of the first informational transfers included the weakness of the AT-AT.
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