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this alien race resembles a small horse, although it is completely hairless. The Dug have leathery, grey skin and small, beady eyes. They can easily walk on their hind legs, their forelegs, or all fours. They used their four hands to help them move through the trees of their homeworld of Malastare. Much of their language was punctuated with knuckle rapping and foot stomping. Dugs became the sworn enemies of the Gran when a group of Gran established a settlement on Malastare. They fought viciously for many years before the Old Republic intervened, as the Gran believed that the Dugs were subservient and incapable of ruling themselves. Unfortunately for the Dugs, the Republic ruled in favor of the Gran, and the Dugs were pushed to the fringes of Malastare's economy. Dug society became insular, and they turned into self-congratulatory braggarts. During the last years of the Old Republic, general opinion of the Dug race suffered because of this. They were perceived as criminals with a penchant for violence. Mating among Dug males and females was centered around a display in which the male puffed out their skin, indicating his desire to mate with a given female. If no other male was near, the female accepted the male's offer. When a Dug died, the body was prepared for a funeral by piercing it with heavy hooks. During the funeral itself, heavy iron balls that were inscribed with runes were attached to the balls, and the body was dropped into the Ghoop Ocean.
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