Drysso, Joak
this staunch Imperial supporter served as the Captain of the Virulence in the years leading up to the Battle of Endor. When the Executor was destroyed at Endor, Drysso took the Virulence and ran, hoping to make it to Imperial space before the Alliance's forces could catch him. He then served Ysanne Isard, and was eventually promoted to the command of the Lusankya, making way for his executive officer, Lakwii Vaarscha, to take command of the Virulence. When Isard ordered the destruction of the Rogue Squadron space station at Yag'Dhul, she sent both Varrscha and Drysso to do the job. However, Drysso was maneuvered by Booster Terrik into a position that locked the Lusankya in the space station's tractor beams, and Terrik brought all weapons to bear on the Super-class Star Destroyer. The Virulence interposed itself between the Lusankya and the space station, allowing Drysso the opportunity to escape. He took the chance offered to him, believing that Varrscha and the Virulence were destroyed. In fact, the ship was captured by Terrik. Drysso returned to Thyferra, and was defending the world when the Rogues initiated their attack. As the Battle of Thyferra began, the Lusankya took heavy fire from the recommissioned Star Destroyer Freedom, but managed to disable the smaller ship. Drysso then pummeled the Rogues' flee of freighters and smaller ships until the Virulence reappeared. Drysso believed that the tide had finally turned his way. However, the Virulence was under the command of Booster Terrik, and its starfighter bays were full of A-Wings under the command of Pash Cracken. Once again, the Lusankya took heavy fire until it was left adrift. Drysso threatened to ram the ship into the planet below, but he was shot by Lieutenant Waroen before he could execute this plan. Ysanne Isard later revealed that she had ordered Drysso to flee Thyferra, knowing that he would never leave his post. She sent Drysso to his death so that she would eventually have a chance to recover the Lusankya, once the New Republic had refitted her.