Admiral Ackbar
this was one of two Star Destroyers in the navy of the Galactic Alliance that survived the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy with their gravity-well generators intact. It was also the flagship of the Fifth Fleet, and was commanded by Admiral Nek Bwua'tu, during the years following the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong. Thus, it was paired with the other gravity-projecting vessel, the Mon Mothma, in the blockade of the Utegetu Nebula about a year after the Qoribu Crisis, in an effort to prevent the Gorog hive from expanding beyond the nebula's boundaries. Although the fleet was well-prepared, the sudden suicide attack by UnuThul's frigate left the crew of the Admiral Ackbar at their mercy. Admiral Bwua'tu was forced to call for the ship to be abandoned, and the Killiks made off with the vessel. However, the blockade was successful in that it kept the Gorog nest ship and ten others within the Utegetu Nebula.