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this planet was the location of Shu Mai's personal holdings, during the last decades of the Old Republic. The planet had previously been colonized by Gossam settlers, who battled the planet's dangerous plantlife to established several cities. They tapped into underground water supplies and managed to create a sustainable agriculture, after ensuring that harmful impurities in the water were removed. Felucia was singled out by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, during the last stages of the Clone Wars, as one of the Outer Rim worlds that would be targetted by the Grand Army of the Republic. According to Palpatine, the worlds of Mygeeto, Felucia, and Saleucami were a "triad of evil" that served as Separatist bastions. Ostensibly, Palpatine ordered troops to Felucia and several other worlds as a way to end the Outer Rim Sieges and being the Clone Wars to a halt. Although the planet was besieged by the Grand Army of the Republic, the Commerce Guild was able to drive the attackers off. A second wave of attacks was launched when it was learned that Shu Mai had returned to Felucia, with Aayla Secura leading a group of clone troopers, but the Republic soon realized that the information about Shu Mai's location was leaked as a ruse. The Separatists' true target was Coruscant itself, and the information on Felucia - coupled with the news that Count Dooku himself was on Tythe - were meant to lure the Jedi Knights and the Grand Army of the Republic away from Coruscant. Note that the webstrip Reversal of Fortune indicates that Felucia was also the homeworld of the Gossam race. General Secura's forces barely escaped a booby trap, but the resulting explosion released a deadly toxin into the planet's natural water system.
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