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this insectile creature was one of Admiral Ackbar's aides, during the months following the Battle of Endor. Unknown to the members of the Alliance, however, was that fact that Hirog was actually the first officer of the Hiromi warship Kuratcha, and was the advance scout working to plan several invasions. It was Hirog who caused the misunderstanding between Kamida and Tippet, setting the Ewoks against the Lahsbees. Once his plan was in motion, Hirog made a transmission back to his leaders on Zeltros. Unfortunately, he was hit with a large stone that the Ewoks had hurled at Luke Skywalker, who used the Force to deflect the stone. Hirog, hidden in the trees, never saw the stone coming, and it knocked him flat. From that point onward, Hirog maintained a healthy fear of the Jedi Knights. He went ahead with his plans, however, and tried to set off a bomb which would destroy the entire Alliance command structure on Endor. The bomb was mistakenly activated by a stray blaster bolt, and Hirog tried to flee. He stumbled upon the duel between Tippet and a Huhk, and was swiftly incapacitated. The bomb was destoyed, preventing any further damage, and Hirog was abandoned by his fellow Hiromi. He managed to return home, however, and the minimal information he brought back gave the Hiromi enough data to launch an attack on the planet Zeltros. Their invasion was shortlived, however, when they found that both the Nagai and the Tofs were also attacking Zeltros. In the end, Hirog and the Hiromi agreed to ally themselves with Luke Skywalker and the Alliance of Free Planets.
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