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Works, The

this was the name given to one of the many industrial sectors found on the planet Coruscant. Hundreds of years before the onset of the Clone Wars, The Works was abandoned by many of Coruscant's largest manufacturers, who found that they could build the same products cheaper on more remote worlds. The Works fell into disrepair, and many of its former inhabitants left to either follow the jobs or obtain newer housing. Over time, The Works became a haven for all manner of criminals, and most Coruscani refused to even go near the area. Fugitives from Nar Shaddaa were known to pass through The Works on a regular basis. The local police force claimed that the number of bodies buried within the warehouses and factories would qualify The Works as a cemetary. Interestingly, The Works was located to the south and west of the Senate District, and stood in stark contrast to the opulence afforded by the leaders of government. Many Coruscani would have gladly razed the entire area, but there existed little or no recorded information on who actually owned what within its boundaries. It was within The Works that the Jedi Order discovered a secret meeting place used by Darth Sidious and Count Dooku, during the height of the Clone Wars. Sidious had imbued most of The Works with the energy of the dark side of the Force, and it was here that he trained both Darth Maul and Darth Tyranus to be his apprentices. During the height of the New Order, The Works experienced something of a renaissance, for it was here that hundreds of TIE Fighters were produced every day in support of the Imperial war machine.
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