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this gruff man served as the Chief Purser aboard the Aurorient Express, some six years prior to the Battle of Naboo. As the ship's Chief Purser, Waverton was surprised to find that one of the cargo lots was illegally switched out, to allow a shipment of Fastlach-class defense droids to be brought on board. His investigation revealed that Podlong Foahl had been responsible for loading Saul Moegantz's cargo lot, which had been swapped out in favor of the droids. Waverton followed Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi in their search for Foahl, who had holed up inside the cargo bay. Foahl revealed that he had helped switch the cargoes, but seemed unaware of the real danger that the pressure pirates had placed the Aurorient Expres in. When Foahl threatened to set off a core bomb, Waverton shot him dead. Unfortunately, the Jedi had not yet learned the location of the bomb. It was later discovered that Waverton was in league with a group of pressure pirates, who hoped to disable the Aurorient Express and steal its cargo. He had a repellent signal emitter that allowed him to avoid being shot by the Fastlach-class droids, a fact that the Jedi were able to use to link him to Podlong Foahl and the pirates. Waverton admitted to his part in the plot, and then agreed to help resolve the problem of the core bomb. When all the plots to destroy Rhoden's wealth were revealed, Bouyardy and Waverton decided that they had had enough. They allowed the core bomb hidden inside the ship to explode, as payback for all their troubles.
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