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Fel'Kona, Minos

this noted Jedi Knight was a descendant of Jonas Fel'Kona, and did a series of investigations into the origin of the Sith fortress on the planet Almas during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Fel'Kona's analysis was able to date the fortress's construction to a point more than 1,132 years before the Battle of Naboo, and discovered many strange and wondrous things below the surface. Skeletons of krayt-dragon-like creatures littered the strata underneath the fortress, and massive carvings in black marble slabs were found to have traced the Dark Lords of the Sith backward from Darth Rivan to Naga Sadow. During the early stages of the Clone Wars, Minos spoke openly on what he believed the "official stance" of the Jedi Order should be with regards to the Cularin System and the presence of the Thaereian Military. When the command was issued to execute Order 66, Master Fel'Kona was still in the Cularin System, as indicated by the files discovered on his lost datapad. In these personal log files, he questioned the continued role of the Jedi in the New Order, and what path he should take. He recognized the need to fight back against Palpatine's tyranny, but he also believed that Palpatine and Darth Vader would be ready for any attempt on their lives, and would utterly destroy any being who tried to harm them. He vowed to take any surviving Jedi he could find in the Cularin System and flee into the depths of the gaalxy, where they could be relatively safe while contemplating their next actions.
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