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this race of humanoid avians was native to the planet Aduba-3. A blood-thirsty, migratory beast which ravaged the settlements of Aduba-3, high-hounds were nearly-sentient creatures that often traveled in packs. A group of them were shot down by Han Solo and Chewbacca shortly after the Battle of Yavin, when they were stranded on the planet. In form, high-hounds resembled large raptors, although the torso was elongated and their legs were well-muscled. The feet of this creature were unusual in that they ended in three heavy, fully opposable claws. What made a high-hound even more unusual was its head, which resembled that of a feathered, beaked human, with large red, compound eyes. High-hounds were omnivorous, and would strip a field of maze-stalks bare before attacking the farmers who tended it.
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