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Aduba-3 was the third planet in the Aduba System, located in the Outer Rim. It was orbited by a single moon, and was originally settled as an agricultural world. Despite its arid appearance, Aduba-3's plains were fed by arterial rivers that snaked through the planet's crust. However, after it was rumored to have rich and widely-distributed lodes of chromium, Aduba-3 experienced a boom in population that rendered much of its landscape a dusty wasteland. These rumors turned out to be false, the product of several greedy schemers who seeded existing mines with chromium deposits. Because of this deceipt - which many later attributed to the Tenloss Syndicate - many spacers chose to avoid the planet altogether, as a reminder of its troublesome past. It orbited a fourth-class yellow sun, and was one of many planets throughout the galaxy with a native population of banthas. Han Solo, Jaxxon, and a group of adventurers liberated a village on this planet in the months following the Battle of Yavin. The village was being held by Serji-X Arrogantus.
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