Wat Tambor
this Old Republic Senator was one of the many supporters gathered by Senator Palpatine of Naboo, during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. A Skakoan, Wat Tambor spent only a few years on his homeworld of Skako before traveling to Metalorn to pursue an interest in technology and industrialization. This travel required him to develop a full-body environment suit, in order to maintain an atmosphere similar to that on Skako. This metal suit covered all but the crown of his head. He was an excellent combat engineer, and later served as a chief executive of the Baktoid Armor Workshop before becoming one of the leaders of the Techno Union. In the wake of the Battle of Naboo, Wat Tambor was promoted Foreman of the Techno Union, overseeing the operations of such noted manufacturers as the Baktoid Armor Workshop and Hoar Chall Engineering, and managing development labs for Republic Sienar Systems and Kuat Systems Engineering. Wat Tambor was part of the delegation which traveled to Geonosis to join Count Dooku and the Separatists, shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. As the war ground on, Wat Tambor became increasingly reclusive, and holed up in the Mazariyan fortress on Xagobah to avoid much of the war. He used his own expertise, along with that of other Separatists, to genetically alter several of Xagobah's plants and fungus, twisting them to become killing things that helped to protect the fortress. It was here, as the Clone Wars came to an end, that young Boba Fett found Tambor. Unfortunately for Fett, Tambor was being protected by General Grievous, who took Tambor under his protection and fled the fortress. After hiding on Utapau under the protection of General Grievous, the Separatist leaders were taken to Mustafar. It was there, after Darth Sidious finally lured Anakin Skywalker to the Darth Side of the Force, that the Separatist leaders met their deaths. Skywalker was dispatched to Mustafar by Sidious himself, with orders to eliminate them. Skywalker hunted them down and eventually killed Wat Tambor, before setting off after the rest of the Separatist leaders.