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one of the light freighters in CEC's successful YT-series, the YT-2400 incorporates the saucer-shaped hull design that made the YT-1300 popular. However, the YT-2400 does not have the paired, forward-facing mandibles. It is simply the saucer hull with a heavily-braced cockpit section off to the right side. The YT-2400 has improved hull plating, power to spare, and additional space in the cargo and engine compartments. Thus, it was easily modified to accommodate larger engines and smuggling compartments. At 21 meters in length, the YT-2400 was also slightly smaller than its predecessors, although it had the capacity to transport up to six passengers and 150 metric tons of cargo. Flying the YT-2400 demanded the skills of a pilot and co-pilot. The basic configuration was simply armed with a turret-mounted laser cannon.
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