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Worthless Fool

this Cuirilla-Rayl Xylines-class spacetug was purchased by a young Alliance procurement officer from Yearo Seville. Seville claimed its memory banks held information on Imperial shipyards, and the officer paid a huge sum to acquire it. When Dwin Wisheel discovered that the memory banks had been wiped clean, he yelled at the young officer, calling the ship worthless the the officer a worthless fool. The name stuck with the ship ever since, as the working papers distributed for its maintenance began to carry that name. The ship given over to Maytoc Kollene, who chose it for the fact that it had been modified for a one-legged pilot. The Worthless Fool measured 42 meters in length, and required a crew of 7 when fully staffed. There was room for 12-18 passengers, and the ship was armed with a heavy laser cannon, a pair of Hansen FeatherTouch tractor beam projectors, and a laser cannon mounted on each tractor beam turret.
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