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World Devastator

designed by the scientists at the Maw Installation, the plans for the World Devastator were sent to Grand Moff Tarkin years after his death at Yavin. The plans were intercepted by Umak Leth, who convinced his superiors that the designs were his own. This was easily accomplished, since the existence of the Maw Installation was well-hidden by Tarkin. Leth saw the creation of the World Devastator as his chance to surpass the genius of Bevel Lemelisk. He took the basic idea of a molecular furnace that broke down matter into its basic elements, and expanded on it. The plans were transmitted to GM Tarkin just after he left the Maw Installation with Bevel Lemelisk and the plans for the first Death Star. As with the original Death Star plans, their source was never revealed to Emperor Palpatine. The World Devastators were eventually implemented by the clone of Emperor Palpatine and used against Calamari. It was the second generation of superweapon from the Installation, and was designed to "eat" the material from a planet's surface (buildings, cities, spaceships, etc.) and reconstitute them into raw materials for creating new Imperial war machines. As with the Death Star before them, the World Devastators were described to the engineers working on them as beneficial, to be used to recycle useless rubble into useful industrial components. In a similar vein to the Mon Calamari starships, each World Devastator was slightly different than the others. This stemmed from the fact the they built themselves over time. The basic skeleton is the same, but the ships are "grown" under supervision until they are ready for deployment. Then, their programming is altered to allow them to attack a planet and begin consuming its resources for use in creating other war machines, rather than for expanding themselves.
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