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Waywa Fybot

a feathered humanoid from an unknown race, Waywa Fybot was a 2.5-meter-tall alien with an orange beak, scaled, three-toed feet, and bright yellow plumage. He was a well-muscled individual, but spoke in a high-pitched voice that belied his strength. Despite its wings, his race was flightless, and his arms were essentially vestigial wings that had a membrane connecting them to his chest. Fybot also suffered from his race's nervous anticipation and their intense dreaming. As a youth, Fybot received Imperial conditioning, which made him tough and shrewd. He took this experience and became an undercover drug officer, which led him to become involved with the attempts to arrest Bohhuah Mutdah. It was believed that his role as Imperial narcotics agent was not his choice, but rather the payment of a debt owned by his people to the Empire. In this capacity, he also came under the notice of Rokur Gepta, who saw a way to finally kill Lando Calrissian by assuming the guise of Mutdah. Gepta paid Fybot to pretend to help Lob Doluff and Bassi Vobah, and to accompany Bassi and Lando to Oseon 5792, where Gepta had killed Mutdah and taken his place. Ostensibly, their mission was to arrest Mutdah on charges of buying and selling lesai. Fybot, however, had his legs broken in the flight to the asteroid when Lando's ship was attacked by Klyn Shanga's militiamen. He had barely recovered when they landed on Mutdha's asteroid. When he and Bassi Vobah burst in on Lando and Mutdah, Fybot quickly shot and killed Vobah, gaining the upper hand for Gepta. When Gepta felt that he had finally achieved his goal of trapping Lando, he decided that Fybot had outlived his usefulness, and killed the avian being in cold blood.
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