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a being from a galaxy in which anti-Force is the prevailing fabric of life. In the Star Wars galaxy, Waru appears as a large blob of meat covered in golden scales. Underneath the scales is raw flesh from which oozes a blood-like substance when exposed. It can assume a number of shapes, but prefers a round shape. Waru was brought across the galactic boundaries when Hethrir began torturing prisoners at Crseih Station. The disturbances in the Force caused by all that suffering, combined with the strange warping caused by the crystallizing star near the station, rended the normal Force fabric and drew Waru through. Hethrir quickly realized Waru's importance, and made a deal with it. Hethrir would help return Waru to its own galaxy in return for mastery over the Force. Waru agreed to this deal. Hethrir secretly began sacrificing his prisoners to Waru, until the inhabitants of the station began to catch whisperings of Waru existence. When the Empire collapsed and Hethrir went into hiding, Waru extended his circle of influence to include the station's population, and a religion grew from the "miracles" Waru could perform. These miracles were simply petty games Waru would play, using some of his collected Force energies to heal the weaker individuals while waiting for really strong Force-sensitives to come along. Waru would envelope an individual with his body, gauging the individual's Force sensitivity. Waru would consume those individuals who were strong with the Force, claiming that Waru could heal only those who truly believed in him. Any doubt hindered his abilities to heal. When Xaverri discovered Waru and his connection to Hethrir, she contacted Han Solo and the New Republic, who came to determine the threat. When they intercepted Hethrir trying to build the Empire Reborn on the Station, they acted quickly. Luke, Han, and Leia all tried to destroy Waru, only to realize that Waru's power lay not in the Force, but in anti-Force. Waru sensed Luke's strength in the Force, and tried to consume him in order to return to his own galaxy without any obligation to Hethrir. Luke resisted, with help from Han and Leia, and eventually Hethrir himself was consumed by Waru. The vast Force energies he gained from Hethrir allowed him to return to his own galaxy.
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