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Sma'Da, Drawmas

this immense human was known for his ability to predict the outcome of the battles waged during the Galactic Civil War. Through his self-proclaimed Invisible and Ineluctable Casino, he offered the galaxy's richest beings to wager on the outcome of the multitude of confrontations between the Alliance and the Empire. No battle was too small for Sma'Da, who became quite accurate in determining the odds for each side of the battle. He was too good, in the eyes of Emperor Palpatine, who put out a substantial bounty for Sma'Da's capture. In order to avoid being taken, Sma'Da remained in his own home, and only ventured out to the establishment of Salla C'airam, where weapons were not allowed. This didn't deter Zuckuss and 4-LOM, who installed a small power source in the droid's head which took the place of its primary motivator. This meant that the droid would be unable to move once it was removed, but it meant that Zuckuss would be able to get a working blaster inside C'airam's bar. The plan worked to perfection, as Sma'Da was completely unaware of his imminent capture. Zuckuss managed to capture Sma'Da, and obtained a second motivator for 4-Lom from C'airam, before turning in the man for the bounty. After being released from custody, Sma'Da accepted a bet from Manaroo. The wager was based on whether Dengar would survive the mission he and Boba Fett undertook, to discover the plans of Kuat of Kuat. Sma'Da had little faith in Dengar, and took the bet. In the end, Dengar survived, and Sma'Da was forced to pay them a handsome return on Manaroo's original bet.
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