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Sal-Solo, Thrackan

Han Solo's first cousin, being the son of Han's father's sister, Thrackan looked and sounded very much like Han himself. Thrackan was a little heavier-set, with a little more gray in his hair, and a beard. As children, Thrackan continually bullied Han, until he was able to sell Han to Garris Shrike. Thrackan claimed to have been a highly-ranked Imperial officer in the Corellian Sector during the time of the Empire, but he was acutally just an employee of the Imperial Governor on Corellia. He dreamed of attending the Imperial Academy, but Han's dishonorable discharge put a black mark on the Solo name. Nevertheless, Thrackan showed promise, and was the heir-apparent for the position of Diktat when he supposedly died. This was about the time Han became a smuggler. Thrackan actually went underground, and began plotting the secession of the Corellian Sector from the enforced interspecies relations the Empire demanded. When the New Republic emerged, Thrackan continued to remain hidden, and built the Human League as the beginnings of his pro-human plans. He became the League's Hidden Leader, and he emerged from his hiding just after he initiated the intra-species wars in the Corellian Sector, just prior to the Corellian Trade Summit. With Chief of State Leia Organa-Solo confined to the Sector, Trackan announced the secession of the Sector from the New Republic, and declared himself Diktat. Using technology he didn't understand, Thrackan erected a huge interdiction field around the Corellian System, centered at Centerpoint Station. In the confusion which surrounded the inter-species fighting and the isolation from the Republic, Thrackan captured Han and held him prisoner, hoping to use him to maintain control of Leia. Thrackan continually harangued his cousin, lashing out in drunken fits of rage. He even pitted Han against Selonians in forced battle, just for pleasure. This worked against him, for Han and the Selonian - Dracmus - eventually escaped by working together. Their escape was soon followed by an assault from the New Republic, which was bolstered by Bakuran forces, that managed to penetrate the interdiction field erected in the sector. Feeling his fragile plans collapsing, Thrackan ordered the kidnapping of Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo. This action also backfired, as it was the children, with the help of Chewbacca, Ebrihim, and the Drallian Duchess Marcha, who discovered the key to the planetary repulsors hidden within the planets of the Corellian System.They also slipped through his grasp, during the battle between the Sacorrian Triad and the New Republic. Thrackan gave chase, but the children managed to damage his ship enough to allow it to be captured by the Intruder's tractor beam. Thrackan was placed in jail and eventually convicted of a multitude of crimes. After spending eight years at the Dorthas Tal prison on Selonia, Thrackan was given a chance to prove his rehabilitation by helping the archaeologists aboard Centerpoint Station discover how to reactivate it. He later was part of the team assigned to discover if the station could be used as a weapon against the Yuuzhan Vong. When it was learned that the Yuuzhan Vong had attacked Fondor instead of Corellia, Thrackan and his workforce insisted that Anakin Solo use his connection to the Station and his abilities with the Force to fire on the Yuuzhna Vong fleet at Fondor. Anakin refused, so Thrackan took the shot himself. Unfortunately, the shot was inaccurate, and destroyed much of the Hapan fleet which was supporting the New Republic. It also grazed the planet Fondor itself, and wiped out the Yuuzhan Vong armada. Despite the political repercussions from the Hapes Consortium, Thrackan Sal-Solo was portrayed as the hero of the Battle of Fondor for taking the shot which caused so much destruction to the alien forces. With the ouster of Governor-General Marcha, Thrackan suddenly found himself a leading candidate to lead the Corellian Sector as an independent entity. His actions, despite their failure to do any good, made him something of a hero in the Corellian Sector, and gained him the election to Governor General. He clamped down on the security measures in the sector, assuming command of the Centerpoint Party and striving to ensure that the sector was not compromised by the New Republic or the Yuuzhan Vong. However, in the wake of the Second Battle of Coruscant, Thrackan Sal-Solo threw his support to the Yuuzhan Vong, and offered to sign a "treaty of friendship" with them in return for the recognition of the Corellian Sector's neutrality. Rather than allow Thrackan to return to Corellia, however, Supreme Overlord Shimrra appointed him President of Ylesia and the Commander in Chief of the Peace Brigade. Unfortunately, Thrackan was capture by the New Republic on Ylesia, where he also learned that the Centerpoint Party had exiled him from the Corellian Sector. After being incarcerated by the Republic, Thrackan was extradited back to Corellia to stand trial.
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