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a female Firrerreo, she fell in love with Hethrir when he was rising to leadership on Firrerre. They both became noticed by Darth Vader for their Force sensitivity, and both trained under Vader to become Jedi Knights. Her special ability to heal with the Force set her at odds with Vader's ideals. Like Hethrir, Rillao's final challenge was to construct a lightsaber which could only be activated by using the Force to complete certain circuits. When she learned that she was pregnant, she was very happy until she learned that Vader and Hethrir were hoping for a Force-sensitive child to carry on the Dark Lord's evil mission. This angered Rillao, and she broke off her training after seeing her son, Tigris, safely aboard a colony ship. Her actions led her to be cast out of Vader's plans, and when the Empire destroyed Firrerre, she was forced to hide out wherever she could. Hethrir eventually hunted her down, and placed on one of the colony ships as he took Tigris with his as a personal slave. There Rillao remained, unable to do anything, until Princess Leia and Chewie discovered the stranded colony ships while trailing Hethrir. Leia woke Rillao, who grudgingly agreed to help Leia take out Hethrir. When they had succeeded in removing Hethrir's threat from the galaxy, Rillao took Tigris and set out to recover the boy's mind from the punishment is had received under Hethrir's rule.
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