this Ranat cab driver worked on Procopia, always looking for the wealthiest customers. Rik-tak was also an operative of the Justice Action Network, who maintained a regular correspondence with the Rodian Kelsek, providing the Rodian with information he garnered from his customers. Shortly before the Battle of Endor, Rik-tak became involved with a group of Alliance agents who had been hired by House Cadriaan to discovered what Vaskel Savill and House Melantha were up to. After the Allaince agents learned of JAN's concurrent plans to destroy the Imperial torpedo sphere at Tallaan, they used the opportunity to discover the location of JAN headquarters. Rik-tak did everything he could to disrupt the actions of the Alliance team, and managed to alert the leasders of the JAN cell on Mrlsst to the impending Alliance assault. Unfortunately for the Justice Action Network, their plans were exposed by the Alliance team.