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a race of tall, gray-skinned bipeds native to the planet Riileb, the Riileb were distinguished by their long, thin limbs and knobby hides. They have four nostrils, two for inhalation and two for exhalation, and a pair of insectoid antennae atop their heads. These antennea were polygraphic remnants from their insectoid ancestors, and could be used to detect the moods and biorhythms of other beings. All males, but only married females, were allowed to grow hair on their heads. They maintained strong clan relationships, with the females being regarded as the leaders, and the Motherclan is the ruling body of Riileb. The leader of the Motherclan is deemed the Holder of the Clan Ring. The Riileb were first encountered by a group of Nimbanese scouts who reported their existence to Velrugha the Hutt. The Riileb resisted every assault Velrugha launched at them, and the Hutts eventually left them alone.
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