Riemann, Gayla
a native of the planet Aldraig IV, this woman joined the Alliance shortly after being forced to go into hiding on her homeworld. An artist of some renown, Gayla had studied with some of the Empire's greatest talents during her education. However, she chafed at the snobbish, elitist world in which artists lived during the reign of Emperor Palpatine, and returned to her homeworld to find some peace and joy in her life. She returned to find an Imperial AT-AT production facility in full operation, and a TIE Fighter hull assembly plant under construction. Hating to see what was happening to her homeworld, Gayla began selling her artwork in order to buy weapons for the fledgling underground. She was incarcerated by Governor Talloryn for "agitation," and ordered to paint a series of pictures of the construction of the TIE Fighter hull plant as punishment. However, Gayla gained access to the plant by claiming it was "research" for the pictures, and managed to commit the floorplans of the plant to memory. She later transferred the floorplans to her underground friends, who succeeded in destroying it. The rebels also smuggled Gayla off-planet, fearing that Talloryn would figure out her part in the attack, and she eventually joined the Alliance. She proved to be an excellent starfighter pilot, dedicated to wiping out the Empire , and eventually joined Rogue Squadron. She attributed her skills as a pilot to the fact that she viewed space combat as an artform, and to her hatred of the Empire.