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this former Jedi Knight was lost to the Old Republic during the Clone Wars. He was known to have accompanied Tassida Judrelle to Cona, during the break-up of Lojrak Shrag's slat smuggling ring, just before the Battle of Geonosis. He was captured and twisted into an agent of the Dark Side of the Force by Emperor Palpatine. Palpatine trained Quarmall to hide out until something happened to the Empire, which turned out to be the Battle of Endor. After Palpatine's death, Quarmall emerged and began using his skills with the Dark Side to spread a message of intergalactic peace and harmony. The goal was to weaken the New Republic's military by having its leaders "convert" to Quarmall's prophetic message. Quarmall's deception was exposed by a group of fledgling Jedi during one of his rallies. They challenged Quarmall by talking about his true motives, and Quarmall became angry. His true nature was released, and the young Jedi were forced to defeat him. Rumors spread out from Quarmall's supporters that the young Jedi had killed legitimate Jedi Knight working for peace, even after a large crowd witnessed Quarmall's actions.
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