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Hill People

this group of Galacians was formed more than 100 years before the Battle of Naboo. The members of the hill people had been persecuted among the other Galacians for having darker eyes and skin than "normal" Galacians, and were often considered as having no families. They fled Galu and lived in the low mountains outside the city, apart of Galacian politics until Queen Veda of the Tallah Dynasty decreed that a democratic election would choose her successor. The leader of the Hill People, a young Galacian named Elan, was discovered to be the first child of the former King Cana, and thereby the rightful heir to the throne. Elan chose not to assume a position of rulership, but threw in her support - and that of the Hill People - to Wila Prammi. The Hill People chose to remain in the mountains, but began further progress toward a relationship with the natives of Galu.
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